Don't Leave Jesus in the Grave

Easter weekend has come and gone, but the words of our pastor from last week's Good Friday service are echoing in my head:
"Don't leave Jesus in the grave! Come back on Sunday!"

That statement was pretty humorous, and one of my friend's in particular (he's getting his MDiv right now) found it hilarious, but as I thought about that first part -- "Don't leave Jesus in the grave" -- the more I realized the statement doesn't just apply to the time between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. As believers in Christ's resurrection, we should live our lives in a way that shows we really believe that He's alive.

I shouldn't want to continue living a life marked by sin because I know that because of Christ's death on the cross and His resurrection, I am now a saint. I am holy and blameless in God's sight. If I continue doing things I know are sinful, then Jesus' sacrifice is in vain. It's almost like saying, "I know you died on the cross for me and rose again, but it doesn't matter. I still want to do what I want to do even though I know it's not good for me." This kind of attitude doesn't truly understand what it means to have a resurrected Lord. In essence, it's telling Jesus that He's still in the grave to me. He's not a Savior because I still see myself as a sinner.

But Jesus conquered death! He's no longer in the grave--He's alive! He conquered sin so that I would no longer be held by its bondage. I want to be committed to living a life that reflects this Truth. I don't want to live as if Jesus is still in the grave. Do you?

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